Mehdi Honardoost, Ambassador of Iran

Human and Human rights




Terrorism & Regional and international stability: Terrorism is one of the major threats against the international community. The Islamic Republic of Iran , as one of the main victims of terrorism, fully knows the difficulties that lie ahead in the road to combat these menaces. Iran is located on the vital cross-road of the east and west and is considered as the island of stability in the region which has not seen tranquility during the past decades. the Persian gulf wars, afghan crisis, middle east conflict, Iraqi occupation, ethnic crises in the former soviet republics, access of India , Pakistan and Israel have all turned our region into the most crisis ridden and complicated geographic regions of the world. In such a complicate and sensitive region foreign countries traditionally played a negative role.

A significant part of the factors of this instability and crisis is the product of the policies and intentions of the players out side of the region Trans-regional factors have contributed both to forming the roots of the crisis and turbulence and intensifying and continuing crises. They often prevented formation of a climate of understanding and creation of indigenous confidence building and stabilizing measures, by exacerbating the sensitivities and fuelling the disputes and introducing the countries of the region as threat to each other.

The policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran is maintaining stability, peace and strengthening security in the region. Wave of Islamic awakening among Muslim nations, will open a new chapter in the regional equations. ran will continue efforts and regional co-operations to prevent foreigners from interfering in the affairs of the region and actively focused on developing and expanding regional relations .The U.S and its allies are the opposite with independent deliberate policy of Iran towards regional and international issues and this is one of the reasons the West alarmist regarding Iran 's nuclear program. Nuclear program of Islamic Republic Of Iran ; Nuclear energy is clean and cheap and a heavenly gift which is amongst the most suitable alternatives to cut the pollutions emanating from fossil fuels. The Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) allows all member States to use nuclear energy without limits and the International Atomic Energy Agency is mandated to provide member States with technical and legal support.

The nuclear bomb is the worst inhumane weapon and which must totally be eliminated. The NPT prohibits its development and stockpiling and calls for nuclear disarmament. It's our honor that no references have ever been made in any of the IAEA's reports to indicate any non-compliance by Islamic Republic of Iran ordiversion in its peaceful activities.How can one talk about human rights and at the same time blatantly deny many the inalienable right to have access to science and technology with applications in medicine, industry and energy and through force and intimidation hinder their progress and development? "Can nations be deprived of scientific and technological progress through the threat of use of force and based on mere allegations of possibility of military diversion? All countries and nations are entitled to technological and scientific advancement in all fields, particularly the peaceful technology to produce nuclear fuel. Such access cannot be restricted to a few, depriving most nations and by establishing economic monopolies, use them as an instrument to expand their domination.

One of the biggest treasons committed by the countries which own the monopoly of nuclear weapons is the way they have placed nuclear arms in the category of nuclear energy. As a matter of fact, the path to a weaponry program is different from the process of using nuclear energy and they want to monopolize both the weapons and the energy, in order to boost their ability to force their views on the international community. We can clearly see the west double standards in dealing with peaceful nuclear programs of Iran and Israel 's nuclear weapons. Why should we witness of a double look? Today Iran 's activities of several thousand centrifuges under agency surveillance cameras only for peaceful purposes and electricity production, Nevertheless several resolutions are issued against Iran but Israel 's regime and it's high range of activities for producing the nuclear weapons, even the smallest research does not occur and no resolution is issued. Human rights: Over the last centuries, humanity has gone through tremendous suffering and pain. In the middle ages, thinkers and scientists were sentenced to death.

 It was then followed by a period of slavery and slave trade, when innocent people in millions were captivated and separated from their families and loved ones, to be taken to Europe and America under worse conditions; the dark period that also experienced occupations, lootings, and massacres of innocent people. Human rights and democracy created hopes for healing the deep wounds of the past. Today, however, not only those dreams are not realized, but memories, even at times worse than before, have been recorded. Justice is the basic element for peace, durable security and the spread of love among peoples and nations. It is in the justice that mankind seeks the realization of his aspirations, rights and dignity, since he is weary of oppression, humiliation and ill treatment.

Freedom is a divine right that should serve peace and human perfection. Science and wisdom can also be misused, a misuse caused by selfishness, corruption, material desires and material interests, as well as individual and group interests. The Islamic Republic of Iran is the manifestation of true democracy in the region. The discourse of the Iranian nation is focused on respect for the rights of human beings and a quest for tranquillity, peace, justice and development for all through monotheism Iran during the past thirty years witnessed a significant growth in improving health, education, women's issues, children, civil rights, forming organizations people and institutions develop new rules to preserve human dignity. The achievements in less than three decades, our one of the largest democracies in the region has become. Iran like other power countries able to enrich fuel for the reactor to find, Iran has been one of the countries that qualify the ability to put satellites in space and has earned the circuit .

 The Iranian revolution, the country's number one in stem cell debate and simulation has become. Iranian women, their rights and their responsibilities; In Iranian culture, women have a high position and women are a gift from God for the human. Before the revolution, only ten percent of the nation's students were women, but now they make more than 60 percent of university students and graduates of our country, Women make up and qualify and deserve to have the High appropriate qualifications to be present government. While women of our country through active and effective presence in the community have been able to key posts such as the Minister, attorney, vice presidential, parliamentary and many high degrees of scientific, social, legal and political gain, these advances, completely ignored by the west.

- ΙΩΣΗΦ ΙΩΣΗΦ, Πρέσβυς της Κύπρου στην Ελλάδα

- Δρ. ΙΩΑΝΝΗΣ ΛΥΡΑΣ, Επίτ. Πρόξενος της Βραζιλίας στην Ελλάδα

- VOLODYMYR SHKUROV, Ambassador of Ukraine to the Hellenic Republic
- MACIEJ KRYCH, Ambassador of the Republic of Poland


- ΑΛΕΞΑΝΤΕΡ ΧΟΜΕΝΚΟ, Διευθυντής Ρωσικού Πολιτιστικού και Επιστημονικού Κέντρου

- ΠΑΥΛΟΣ ΓΕΡΟΥΛΑΝΟΣ, Υπουργός Πολιτισμού και Τουρισμού

- ΑΙΚΑΤΕΡΙΝΗ ΤΖΙΤΖΙΚΩΣΤΑ,  Πρόεδρος της Ελληνικής Εθνικής Επιτροπής για την UNESCO
- TOM NORRING,  Ambassador of Denmark in Greece

- ΙΩΑΝΝΗΣ ΛΥΡΑΣ, Ιατρός Πλαστικός Χειρουργός, Επίτιμος Πρόξενος της Βραζιλίας στην Ελλάδα

- Ε. ΚΟΖΑΚΟΥ-ΜΑΡΚΟΥΛΗ, Υπουργός Εξωτερικών της Κυπριακής Δημοκρατίας

- ΑΝΝΑ ΖΩΗΡΟΥ, Σύμβουλος ΛΑΟΣ σε θέματα Οικονομικών & Διεθνών Σχέσεων

- ΠΑΡΗ ΡΑΠΤΗ ΛΥΡΑ, Ιατρός Ενδοκρινολόγος - Διαβητολόγος

- ΠΕΤΡΟΣ ΛΕΩΤΣΑΚΟΣ,  Δημοσιογράφος, τραπεζικός συνάκτης

- ΝΙΚΟΣ Γ. ΣΥΚΑΣ, Σύμβουλος Στρατηγικής & Επικοινωνίας


- ΣΤΑΥΡΟΣ. ΛΑΜΠΡΙΝΙΔΗΣ, Υπουργός Εξωτερικών - Ομιλία στο ΥΠΕΞ στις 28/7/2011
- SVERRE STUB, Ambassador of Norway
- MEHDI HONARDOOST, Ambassador of Iran

- DRAGAN ZUPANJEVAC, Ambassador of Serbia

- VOLODYMYR SHKUROV, Ambassador of Ukraine

STEPHEN G. MILLER, Επίτιμος Καθηγητής του Πανεπιστημίου Berkley, Καλιφόρνια, ΗΠA

- ΝΤΕΪΒΙΝΤ  ΛΑΝΤΣΜΑΝ, Πρέσβυς της Μ. Βρετανίας στην Ελλάδα

- ΔΗΜΗΤΡΗΣ ΜΩΡΑΪΤΗΣ, Εκδότης του περιοδικού "Politistiki Diplomatia"

- ΠΑΝΟΣ ΠΑΝΑΓΙΩΤΟΥ, Χρηματιστηριακός τεχνικός αναλυτής διευθυντής GSTA/ EKTA

- ΔΗΜΗΤΡΗΣ ΜΩΡΑΪΤΗΣ Εκδότης του περιοδικού 'Politistiki Diplomatia'
ΙΩΑΝΝΗΣ ΚΥΡΙΑΖΟΓΛΟΥ, CICA, M.S, B.A(Honours),  Σύμβουλος  Πληροφορικής και Συγγραφέας

- JOZSEF TOTH, Ambassador of Hungary 


- JAN VODERADSKY, Ambassador of Slovakia
- MANDISA DONA MARASHA, Ambassador of South Africa    

- ΙΕΡΟΘΕΟΣ ΠΑΠΑΔΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ, Εκπρόσωπος της Ευρωπαϊκής Επιτροπής στην Ελλάδα

- ΝΙΚΟΣ ΧΑΡΔΑΛΙΑΣ, Δήμαρχος Βύρωνα
- MΕHDI HONARDOOST,  Αmbassador of Iran to Grecce

- ΧΑΪΔΕΥΤΟΣ ΚΟΜΝΗΝΟΣ, Πρόεδρος της Ομοσπονδίας Ελληνικών Κοινοτήτων Σουηδίας

- VILI SHEFKI MINAROLLI, Αmbassador of Albania to Greece
- ΔΗΜΗΤΡΗΣ ΜΩΡΑΪΤΗΣ, Εκδότης του περιοδικού 'Politistiki Diplomatia'
- SINE RIISAGER, The Danish Institute

Special Olympics
ΚΩΣΤΑΣ ΔΗΜΗΤΡΙΟΥ, Πρόεδρος Ομοσπονδίας Γερμανικών Κοινοτήτων - Ταμίας ΣΑΕ

- ΝΙΚΟΛΑΟΣ ΚΩΝΣΤΑΝΤΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ, Αναλυτής, ΜΑ σε Διεθνείς Σχέσεις

- ΓΙΩΡΓΟΣ ΑΜΠΑΤΖΗΣ, Πρόξενος της Γερμανίας στην Πάτρα

- ΜΑΡΙΝΑ ΔΟΥΛΑΜΗ, Επίτιμος Προξένος της Γαλλίας στην Αλεξανδρούπολη

- EUSEBI AYENSA, Instituto Cervantes de Atenas

- CAPOCCI, Προέδρος του Ελληνο-Ιταλικού Επιμελητηρίου


- ΕΥΔΟΞΙΑ ΠΑΝΤΑ, Πρόεδρος Ομοσπονδίας Ελλήνων Βελγίου

- ΗΡΑ ΠΑΠΑΔΟΠΟΥΛΟΥ, Director of Cultural Affairs of the Hellenic American Union

- VALERIY TSYBUCKΗ, Ambassador of Ukraine to Greece

- HAKAN MALMQVIST, Ambassador of Sweden to Greece


- To άσβεστο 'ΟΧΙ' των Ελλήνων
- Ν.Δ.: Διάσπαση ή Εσωστρέφεια;

- ΠΟΛΥ ΒΛΑΧΟΥ, Διευθύντρια Πολιτιστικού Οργανισμού Ηλιούπολης
- ΝΙΚΟΣ ΧΑΡΔΑΛΙΑΣ, Δήμαρχος Βύρωνα





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