











The Credentials of the Ambassadors on 01/03/2016




The Ambassador of Iraq
Ms. Gazi Tahir Khaled Zeebaree
The Ambassador of Serbia
Mr. Dusan Spasojevic


Ο Πρόεδρος της Δημοκρατίας δέχθηκε, σε τελετή που έγινε στην αίθουσα Διαπιστευτηρίων του Προεδρικού Μεγάρου, την Τρίτη 1 Μαρτίου 2016 τους νέους Πρέσβεις του Ιράκ κ.Gazi Tahir Khaled Zeebaree και της Σερβίας κ. Dusan Spasojevic, οι οποίοι του επέδωσαν τα διαπιστευτήριά τους.


Photo: www.diplomatic.gr



Mr. Gazi Tahir Khaled Zeebaree





Mr. Dusan Spasojevic



- Credentials of the Ambassadors on 05/04/2017 
  (Cuba - Lithuania - Thailand - Albania)

- Credentials of the Ambassadors on 24/01/2017 
  (Egypt - Morocco - Latvia - Qatar - UK)

- Credentials of the Ambassadors on 24/10/2016 
  (Pakistan - USA - Tunisia - Turkey)

- Credentials of the Ambassadors on 21/07/2016 
  (Algeria - Kazakhstan - Armenia)

- Credentials of the Ambassadors on 02/03/2016 
  (Oman - Nepal - Myanmar - Ghana - Mali - Sri Lanka)

- Credentials of the Ambassadors on 01/03/2016 
  (Iraq - Serbia)

- Credentials of the Ambassadors on 20/01/2016 
  (Poland - Malta - Iran)

- Credentials of the Ambassadors on 09/11/2015  
  (Belgium - Slovenia - Kuwait - Italy)

- Credentials of the Ambassadors on 02/10/2015  
  (Hungary - France)

- Credentials of the Ambassadors on 15/09/2015  
  (Holland - Bangladesh - Norway - Sudan)

- Credentials of the Ambassadors on 24/06/2015  
  (New Zealand - Brunei Darussalam)

- Credentials of the Ambassadors on 22/05/2015  
  (Philippines - Austria - Chile)

- Credentials of the Ambassadors on 16/04/2015
  (Czech Republic - Portugal)

- Credentials of the Ambassadors on 19/12/2014
  (Vietnam - Saudi Arabia)

- Credentials of the Ambassadors on 14/10/2014
  (Ireland - Finland - Panama)

- Credentials of the Ambassadors on 07/10/2014
  (Australia - Jordan - Israel)

- Credentials of the Ambassadors on 09/07/2014
  (Congo - Tanzania - Uganda - Mongolia - Republic of Niger
  Republic of Laos - Colombia - Sri Lanka - Cambodia)

- Credentials of the Ambassadors on 19/02/2014
  (Montenegro - Germany)

- Credentials of the Ambassadors on 22/01/2014
  (UAE - Thailand - China)

- Credentials of the Ambassadors on 16/01/2014
  (Pakistan - Qatar - Venezuela)

- Credentials of the Ambassadors on 27/11/2013
  (Japan - Mauritania - Belarus - Malaysia - Sierra Leone - Gambia)

- Credentials of the Ambassadors on 17/10/2013
  (Sudan - USA - Palestine)

- Credentials of the Ambassadors on 24/09/2013
  (Romania - Libya - Cyprus - Egypt)

- Credentials of the Ambassadors on 31/10/2012
   (Korea - Croatia - Lithuania - Cuba)

- Credentials of the Ambassadors on 13/9/2012
   (Nigeria - Denmark - Uruguay - Holland - Luxemburg)

- Credentials of the Ambassadors on 29/5/2012
  (Poland - Bulgaria - S. Arabia - Spain)

- Credentials of the Ambassadors on 24/4/2012
  (Germany - Jordan - Portugal - Georgia)

- Credentials of the Ambassadors on 1/3/2012
  (Moldova - Austria - Iran)

- Credentials of the Ambassadors on 19/1/2012
  (Italy - Qatar - Turkey)

- Credentials of the Ambassadors on 15/12/2011
   (Ecuador - Senegal - Uganda - N. Zealand - Island
   Afghanistan - Kenya - Colombia  - Sri Lanka)

- Credentials of the Ambassadors on 16/11/2011
  (Latvia - Angola - Philippines

- Credentials of the Ambassadors on 18/10/2011
  (Norway - Canada - Hungary - Tunisia - Finland)

- Credentials of the Ambassadors on 14/9/2011  
  (France - China - Australia - Malta - Mexico)

- Credentials of the Ambassadors on 3/11/2010  
  (Switzerland - Czech Republic - Luxemburg)

- Credentials of the Ambassadors on 28/9/2010  
  (USA - Israel - Germany - Moldova)

- Credentials of the Ambassadors on 16/9/2010  
  (Ukraine - Brazil - India - Japan)

- Credentials of the Ambassadors on 22/7/2010  
  (Italy - Pakistan - Albania)

- Credentials of the Ambassadors on 24/6/2010  
 (Chili - Iraq - Thailand - Peru)