







Dr. Valentin Ciumac, Ambassador of Moldova in Greece


The horizon is not a border



Republic of Moldova had a long and difficult journey in the last 21 years of independence. The transition period was characterized by an unprecedented intensity of reforms in all spheres of activity. In the political system were implemented democratic norms required for a contemporary society. There were also implemented market principles in the national economy. In this period the human rights were declared fundamental. Analyzing the results of the transition period we can see that Republic of Moldova has generally managed to move from a totalitarian regime that had an over centralized economy to a democratic regime which is based on the market principles. This does not mean that Republic of Moldova completed the reforms and is now a prosperous country. The privatization of industrial and commercial enterprises and the reforms made in the agricultural sector did not boost the economic sector but on the contrary decreased it. In the last 10 years the GDP has fallen dramatically causing unemployment and migration. Only in the recent years there was seen a slight economic growth and was recorded an increase in the foreign investments and exports. A deeper improvement in the investment climate will generate further investments needed by the Moldavian economy. The priority in this process is not only the gradual reduction of trade barriers, but also the simplification and improvement of existing legislation in terms of investment interaction, elimination of the existing bureaucratic barriers to economic operations.
Currently, however, it is impossible to speak about a sustainable economic development without the appropriate attention in the field of innovations. In this regard, we aim at building an effective mechanism of interaction with the view to determining mutually beneficial innovative projects with a high degree of readiness for possible commercialization. Besides, it is already becoming clear now that it is impossible to implement the global infrastructure projects solely by the state or the private sector, but only a wise balanced investment policy making, using the strength of public private partnership will allow us to achieve optimal results. This kind of partnership is new for the Moldovan economy, and we believe our international partners will appreciate this innovation positively.
Let to give a brief look to the relations between Republic of Moldova and Hellenic Republic. This year we celebrate 20 years of diplomatic relations between Republic of Moldova and Hellenic Republic. Characterizing the current stage of bilateral relations, we may say that they have a constructive character which is based on the respect for European values and mutual support, both bilaterally and multilateral levels. We may certainly say that moldo-hellenic relations and the political dialogue increased during this period. The main goals that we set with our Greek partners are the expanding of bilateral legal framework, utilization of economic and commercial opportunities and an efficient cultural cooperation. Although the volume of trade between our countries is increasing, the turnover is still quite modest. It is necessary to explore the existing options in order to increase the volume of mutual trade and investment.
This short presentation cannot be completed without a look at future plans, which are based on the political, economic and cultural collaboration between Republic of Moldova and the large family of democratic countries. This collaboration has a positive influence on the Moldovan civil society. A new stage in the international relations for Republic of Moldova began after the 2009 elections, and repeated elections in 2010. The current government has set as an aim a more deep reform that would meet the European standards. In this sense we can mention the accomplishments of the Government carrying out intensive reforms in the institution of Law, Prosecution, Customs, and Taxes and in the structures of the Ministry of Interior. In this context, the Action Plan adopted within the Eastern Partnership is effectively implemented. Shortly Moldova fulfilled the reforms required for the following priority objectives which are the Visa free Regime, the Association Agreement and the DCFTA. In all three chapters evident progress has been made which allows forecasting the signing of these documents next year.
The democratization of the society and the liberalization of activities were developed in parallel with the establishment of cooperation relationships with many countries, both bilaterally and multilaterally performed during international European a global forums. Republic of Moldova has set as a priority goal the European integration which is supported by the majority of the political parties. Both, reforms undertaken by the government at this stage, the intensive collaboration with the member countries of the European Union and the implementation of large European programs are actions aimed at achieving the principal goal - the European integration. Moldova is a European country, considers the European Union her home and sees itself in the future a member state of the European Union. Finally I would like to conclude that "The horizon is not a border; it is just an imaginary line".


- RAHMAN MUSTAFAYEV, Ambassador of Azerbaijan in Greece
- GAGIK GHALATCHIAN, Πρέσβυς της Αρμενίας στην Ελλάδα
- Dr. VALENTIN CIUMAC, Ambassador of Moldova in Greece

- ΙΩΣΗΦ ΙΩΣΗΦ, Πρέσβυς της Κύπρου στην Ελλάδα

- Δρ. ΙΩΑΝΝΗΣ ΛΥΡΑΣ, Επίτ. Πρόξενος της Βραζιλίας στην Ελλάδα

- VOLODYMYR SHKUROV, Ambassador of Ukraine to the Hellenic Republic
- MACIEJ KRYCH, Ambassador of the Republic of Poland


- ΑΛΕΞΑΝΤΕΡ ΧΟΜΕΝΚΟ, Διευθυντής Ρωσικού Πολιτιστικού και Επιστημονικού Κέντρου

- ΠΑΥΛΟΣ ΓΕΡΟΥΛΑΝΟΣ, Υπουργός Πολιτισμού και Τουρισμού

- ΑΙΚΑΤΕΡΙΝΗ ΤΖΙΤΖΙΚΩΣΤΑ,  Πρόεδρος της Ελληνικής Εθνικής Επιτροπής για την UNESCO
- TOM NORRING,  Ambassador of Denmark in Greece

- ΙΩΑΝΝΗΣ ΛΥΡΑΣ, Ιατρός Πλαστικός Χειρουργός, Επίτιμος Πρόξενος της Βραζιλίας στην Ελλάδα

- Ε. ΚΟΖΑΚΟΥ-ΜΑΡΚΟΥΛΗ, Υπουργός Εξωτερικών της Κυπριακής Δημοκρατίας

- ΑΝΝΑ ΖΩΗΡΟΥ, Σύμβουλος ΛΑΟΣ σε θέματα Οικονομικών & Διεθνών Σχέσεων

- ΠΑΡΗ ΡΑΠΤΗ ΛΥΡΑ, Ιατρός Ενδοκρινολόγος - Διαβητολόγος

- ΠΕΤΡΟΣ ΛΕΩΤΣΑΚΟΣ,  Δημοσιογράφος, τραπεζικός συνάκτης

- ΝΙΚΟΣ Γ. ΣΥΚΑΣ, Σύμβουλος Στρατηγικής & Επικοινωνίας


- ΣΤΑΥΡΟΣ. ΛΑΜΠΡΙΝΙΔΗΣ, Υπουργός Εξωτερικών - Ομιλία στο ΥΠΕΞ στις 28/7/2011
- SVERRE STUB, Ambassador of Norway
- MEHDI HONARDOOST, Ambassador of Iran

- DRAGAN ZUPANJEVAC, Ambassador of Serbia

- VOLODYMYR SHKUROV, Ambassador of Ukraine

STEPHEN G. MILLER, Επίτιμος Καθηγητής του Πανεπιστημίου Berkley, Καλιφόρνια, ΗΠA

- ΝΤΕΪΒΙΝΤ  ΛΑΝΤΣΜΑΝ, Πρέσβυς της Μ. Βρετανίας στην Ελλάδα

- ΔΗΜΗΤΡΗΣ ΜΩΡΑΪΤΗΣ, Εκδότης του περιοδικού "Politistiki Diplomatia"

- ΠΑΝΟΣ ΠΑΝΑΓΙΩΤΟΥ, Χρηματιστηριακός τεχνικός αναλυτής διευθυντής GSTA/ EKTA

- ΔΗΜΗΤΡΗΣ ΜΩΡΑΪΤΗΣ Εκδότης του περιοδικού 'Politistiki Diplomatia'
ΙΩΑΝΝΗΣ ΚΥΡΙΑΖΟΓΛΟΥ, CICA, M.S, B.A(Honours),  Σύμβουλος  Πληροφορικής και Συγγραφέας

- JOZSEF TOTH, Ambassador of Hungary 


- JAN VODERADSKY, Ambassador of Slovakia
- MANDISA DONA MARASHA, Ambassador of South Africa    

- ΙΕΡΟΘΕΟΣ ΠΑΠΑΔΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ, Εκπρόσωπος της Ευρωπαϊκής Επιτροπής στην Ελλάδα

- ΝΙΚΟΣ ΧΑΡΔΑΛΙΑΣ, Δήμαρχος Βύρωνα
- MΕHDI HONARDOOST,  Αmbassador of Iran to Grecce

- ΧΑΪΔΕΥΤΟΣ ΚΟΜΝΗΝΟΣ, Πρόεδρος της Ομοσπονδίας Ελληνικών Κοινοτήτων Σουηδίας

- VILI SHEFKI MINAROLLI, Αmbassador of Albania to Greece
- ΔΗΜΗΤΡΗΣ ΜΩΡΑΪΤΗΣ, Εκδότης του περιοδικού 'Politistiki Diplomatia'
- SINE RIISAGER, The Danish Institute

Special Olympics
ΚΩΣΤΑΣ ΔΗΜΗΤΡΙΟΥ, Πρόεδρος Ομοσπονδίας Γερμανικών Κοινοτήτων - Ταμίας ΣΑΕ

- ΝΙΚΟΛΑΟΣ ΚΩΝΣΤΑΝΤΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ, Αναλυτής, ΜΑ σε Διεθνείς Σχέσεις

- ΓΙΩΡΓΟΣ ΑΜΠΑΤΖΗΣ, Πρόξενος της Γερμανίας στην Πάτρα

- ΜΑΡΙΝΑ ΔΟΥΛΑΜΗ, Επίτιμος Προξένος της Γαλλίας στην Αλεξανδρούπολη

- EUSEBI AYENSA, Instituto Cervantes de Atenas

- CAPOCCI, Προέδρος του Ελληνο-Ιταλικού Επιμελητηρίου


- ΕΥΔΟΞΙΑ ΠΑΝΤΑ, Πρόεδρος Ομοσπονδίας Ελλήνων Βελγίου

- ΗΡΑ ΠΑΠΑΔΟΠΟΥΛΟΥ, Director of Cultural Affairs of the Hellenic American Union

- VALERIY TSYBUCKΗ, Ambassador of Ukraine to Greece

- HAKAN MALMQVIST, Ambassador of Sweden to Greece


- To άσβεστο 'ΟΧΙ' των Ελλήνων
- Ν.Δ.: Διάσπαση ή Εσωστρέφεια;

- ΠΟΛΥ ΒΛΑΧΟΥ, Διευθύντρια Πολιτιστικού Οργανισμού Ηλιούπολης
- ΝΙΚΟΣ ΧΑΡΔΑΛΙΑΣ, Δήμαρχος Βύρωνα





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